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3/22/2015 12:28:01 PM

Flawinter's Lie OP or Nah?

It's hard to toss around the word or abbreviation "OP" properly in a game filled with so many cheap ways to get killed but many think Felwinter's Lie is this super OP shottie/sniper that ruins PVP. I do die by it often but since I prefer to stick with teammates it's rare to see Felwinter's go on a killing spree due to its poor ROF. So I ask: Is Felwinter's lie flawed and overpowered or balanced by its slow ROF? Thoughts?

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  • The distance is a bit much but OP? No.. Vex Mythoclast in the early days was OP.. Thorn is just about there.. Shotguns in general got too much of a boost in PVP, really they were just fine before the buff in PVP. Slow ROF makes it understandable but that distance on it with the right perks is incredible. iTrigg Verdict: Felwinters Lie is not OP

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