Opinion on this statement?
This is untrue, [i]unless[/i] you take into consideration that gays are hated worldwide, whereas blacks are not. If you go to the Middle East you're a lot more likely to get stoned for being gay than for being black. And it [i]is[/i] pretty bad in the US too.
Lettuce, glitter, bacon, tomato?
Damn, mostly strong disagrees. People must not know what The South is.
They didn't [b]choose[/b] to be black.
They aren't hosed by fire hoses and they don't release the dogs on them and they don't have segregation and they aren't beaten by clubs so I strongly disagree.
You remember that time when all those gays and trannies got beat to death while protesting? Or how about that time an entire racial clan was made just to hunt them down and kill them. And we can never forget that time when gays were banned from stores, public schools, and using certain water fountains.
Dear people who voted Strongly Agree, Agree, and Neither Agree nor Disagree, Please sterilize yourself. Sincerely, Sane people
It's definitely true in the deep southern USA and in Middle Eastern countries. Here in Canada though, that's a different story.
I never understood why the T is included in that group.
Lmfao, how many fgts have been sprayed by fire hoses. No pun intended.
They aren't even [b]nearly[/b] [in America] as oppressed as blacks were during the civil rights movement.
-blam!- that. A whole race had a nation that thought nothing of them. Blacks barely had any "civil" rights. Blacks have been enslaved and oppressed far more than those of a different sexual orientation. You are truly ignorant and naive if you think otherwise.
>mfw people say yes
What about the black gays? Lol
Individuals, yes. If you mean numbers... Just no. Meaning yes, some LGBT people have been killed or worse because of it, but many many MANY more cases are against black people. It's probably harder to hide and deny being black though. XD
The brought it on themselves, literally. I saw two fgts beating eachother in the back of the bus the other day. [spoiler]( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) [/spoiler]
The LGBT community has is bad but not [b]that[/b] bad
What is LGBT?
Whoever said that is high on some serious meth
I hope you slap the hell out of whoever said that.
Not so much here in America where a lot of people were racist . But in other parts of the world yes indeed. Just look up pussyriot.
Wtf... really?
Edited by asir: 3/18/2015 3:19:41 PMI'd say no, except for the fact that transsexuals are still being assaulted, lynched, etc. It's not to the extent of the black rights movement where you have lynch mobs running around. Nowadays it's more of a spur of the moment, "Hey, is that a tranny? Get it!" Not incredibly common but it happens with some degree of frequency.
I don't see gay men lynched so no I'd have to disagree.
You can hide being gay, you can't hide being black