Would you be willing to pay for exotic weapons and armour on destiny ?
Ghallajorn $4.99
Hardlight $3.99
No lands beyond $0.25
Exotic armour $2.99
Custom shaders/sparrows $0.99
Don't give Activision any ideas please.
Nope...I would go till the end of time and back and no pay for an exotic. That being said I have many and could understand the frustration of not getting a good drop. But no way.
No delete this post before Bungie gets ideas. Thanks.
Your bored right?
Lol, this guy...what a joke.
Open up a poll. It will be yes- 2.99 no 97.01
The day you can buy anything in Destiny with real money, is the day I forget this game ever existed.
Meh, I'm only missing the hard light so idk. Ruin wings are a whole other topic. I would buy those in a heartbeat.
For gally and shaders.
No but I would pay for shaders
Whats you favourite flavour of crayons?
Nope why would I when I have all off the exotic weapons.
I'd pay five for a Gjallahorn any day
Nope. I'm good enough
Why would you pay for no land beyond?
I would pay $.50 for a custom shader but that's it
Edited by o0 eep 0o: 3/14/2015 1:11:27 AMNo, never. I would take that money and buy a game that doesn't ask for more money.
Pay to win would make the community more toxic. "what do you mean you don't have a ghorn?!?!? Just -blam!-ing buy one casual!" I can already see it now...
Not a chance in hell. Don't even bring a topic like this up!