You are doing in wrong of you do it that way.
3 VoG chest normal
3 VoG chest hard
3 atheon normal
3 atheon hard
3 deathsinger normal
3 crota normal
3 crota hard
3 nightfall
I aint got time to run both hard and normal. Such a waste
It is more chances if you are trying for exotics. You only have to run one to the chest on normal then switch characters. Then get to atheon and switch again. Same thing with deathsinger and crota on normal. Switch get save and then do hard mode. Takes no time at all.
Well techincally it would double the amount of time i play now as that is all i do currently but on hard
Shouldn't really double it cause normal doesn't take as long. bosses go down to easy.
Bosses go down just as easy in hard if you arnt in a team of tools
Vog chest and death singer you can only get once a character
Sorry but you are wrong. VOG exotic chest is the only chest in VoG you can get on normal then hard mode.
Edited by Jeepmen103: 3/10/2015 5:57:47 PMHairyApe - True
It doesn't work that way
Yes it does. I do it every week. Do normal then hard mode. Got an Icebreaker from normal atheon then with same character got universal remote from hard mode atheon. If you do it any other way you are loosing out.
You can get 2 exotics from HM Atheon. Just saw someone do it last week. It's just incredibly rare.
Yeah but one was the mythoclast I bet. I have never seen someone get 2 exotics without one be the mythoclast.
It was not the mythoclast. It was Truth and Plan C
Never seen that.