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Edited by Gravemind94: 1/17/2016 10:01:08 AM

Master Chief vs Samus Aran

Master Chief


Samus Aran


Tie, they're both awesome


They wouldn't fight, they'd fall in love and get married.


Ok guys, who would win in a fight; master chief or Samus Aran? And why? And please don't say "chief would win just cause" or "Samus would win just cause" have a reason or reasons. I know that Haloid did this, but that wasn't master chief. For me, the chief would win, hands down. Why? Sure Samus has more firepower, but the chief has more combat experience. Master Chief is a full fledged soldier, while Samus is a mercenary. Sure Samus has done some great things, but the chief single handedly defeated the Covenant 4 times, the flood 3 times, and the Didact. He's saved the universe more times than Samus has. Samus really hasn't saved the universe that often, except in Metroid Prime 3 and Fusion, all she's really done is blow up Ridley, kill some metroids, and escape from a few self-destruct sequences, while that's all well and good, she doesn't have NEARLY the amount of combat experience that the Chief has. That's my opinion. Feel free to post yours. Edit: Please no fanboy bashing, we're all gamers here, please treat each other as such. Edit: I watched Haloid before, please stop posting it. It doesn't count. Edit: Didn't think a lot of people would respond to this, let's make it trending! Edit: I'm tired of saying this, but I've already seen Haloid. Please stop referencing it. Edit: Post new Death Battle ideas in the comments. Edit: We miss u Monty

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  • Samus Aran. I just don't see any way Chief could win. Samus' strength, agility and firepower is far greater than Chief's, and she's a highly skilled warrior too. Although, it would kind of depend on which abilities she had. If Samus had only basic abilities, it may be a tie. Power beam sucks. But if she had, let's say, PED suit.......RIP in pieces, Chief.

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  • It'd be the Haloid ending

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  • The amount of people saying Samus will lose makes my head hurt.

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  • Edited by xXZeroShikiXx: 3/10/2015 11:17:51 AM
    Gotta say, the point of view there seems to be kind of belittling what Samus has done... I'd guess you're not really meaning to, but what your saying is like saying "All megaman has done is kill a few robots", which is true, but you still need to look at things in perspective. Keep in mind that this is all based on my perceptions of each game, without really getting too into either series lol. Master Chief is definitely a conquering badass, I don't know a ton of the lore or anything, (was never all that into Halo) but you don't blast through armies of enemies if you're a mediocre front line soldier. But you can say similar things about Samus as well. The only games I've played any of for hers are really just a couple of the side scrollers, but she may be a mercenary, but she's a space merc, with the skills, tools, and genes, to be one of the best bounty hunters in however many galaxies are involved I'm the metro is games. She may not have the formal training of the chief, but I'd say they're pretty close in terms of experience, and that Samus' survival skills are even slightly superior, making them pretty even all around in the terms of a 1v1 fight. When it comes to physique, I'd give the edge to the super soldier in terms of power, and flat out running speed. I'm not sure if the chozo(?) DNA enhances her physical ability, but I'm going to assume that it does... Because to me, that just makes sense lol. But not enough to overpower the chief given her thin, voluptuous ;) frame. The power suits seem to cancel each other out for the most part as well, chiefs seeming to be focused more on power and defense, while Samus seems to be more all-around, possibly even defensively, but more likely focused on mobility/flexibility with the super ball(?) ability, and looking to be a little less restrictive than the bulkier power armor. In terms of firepower I agree that Samus would most likely come out ahead, since I don't remember any ammo restrictions on hers, or know if the chief had anything that didn't run out of ammo/energy. There's also the fact that in a more realistic fight, Samus would be able to make use of any weapon she might cause the chief to drop, while hers are part of the suit. Both have decent cc weapons which could mean an instant win for either side, Samus with her mines combined with her electro whip thing lol, could halt master chief, and possibly short out his suit, but most definitely wrap him up and injure him pretty badly. MC, with the various grenades at his disposal, he might surprise her pretty well too lol. [Edit]: was brought to my attention that the charge pistol(?) is a covenant weapon, so I've taken it out of the equation. CQ I'd put the edge towards Samus with the superball(?) and electro whip(?), as opposed to the chief and his fists/sword/hammer. With the hammer being his best bet, if he can avoid Samus interrupting his swings. (Smashing the ground would create some distance, but the ball would mitigate the damage. Long range, I'd still say Samus, due to high mobility, her changing shape, and the likely event of the circular motion of the ball form causing most shots to be glancing blows. Combined with the limitless(possibly) ammunition, and tracking rockets to keep the pressure up. Until the ammo started running out, it'd be pretty even, a really drawn out situation. [people may bring up the needler here for tracking weaponry, but I'm going under the 1v1 idea, where it's the chief and his weaponry, not covenant gear or whatever the needler is] Mid range is where I'd say the fight would be most even, each side switching to the most appropriate piece of equipment for the situation on the fly. With his experience MC would probably do his best to keep the fight here, pressuring Samus into backing off, closing in if she backs off to far, waiting for or trying to create an opening. Samus would know she has an edge in some areas, so she'd be trying to get into CQ or back off lol. Like I said, I think it'd be a really even fight, but with two skilled fighters, it comes down to luck or supplies... And my money would go on Samus. [Edit]: without the possibility of being able to shut down Samus' suit with the charge pistol(?), I'd have to say it's even more likely that Samus would be the victor. But win or lose I'd enjoy the show lol

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    13 Replies
    • They would fight like hell, then -blam!- like hell, and then sleep well.

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    • This is a pretty bad mismatch, Samus wins without her armor.

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    • Edited by Apollos: 10/27/2015 12:19:35 AM
      Samus Aran. Hands down

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    • They're both awesome, wouldn't fight, but if for some insane reason they did... [spoiler]Master Chief would rek that bitch[/spoiler]

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    • Could Samus beat the Didact? No. No she couldn't. Master Chief versus Samus... Tie. Chief's got so many horseshoes up his ass that a planet would probably fall on Samus if she was about to win.

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    • Chief will always win polls where he's an option even though the competition would beat his ass

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    • Edited by Oddball: 10/27/2015 4:33:02 PM
      Samus. She's more badass than Chief himself.

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    • I think chief's still a virgin. Pretty sure he would rather kill her then marry her

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    • The correct answer is objectively Samus. Just go to Comic Vine where people who aren't biased and know about both sides debate battles like this and you'll know why. This coming from the guy who has only played the Metroid Prime games but has bought and loved every Halo and is beyond hyped for 5.

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    • I say Samus. She just has more tools at her disposal, and is equal in terms of defense and speed.

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    • Edited by MR E0S: 3/17/2015 1:20:58 AM
      Samus It's a No contest in that regard as well. Consider all that you know of playing Metroid. And compare that to what you know of playing Halo. Can Master Chief flip through the air as a twirling electric fireball killing anything it touches? No Can Master Chief turn into a ball and escape through tiny crevices, leaving explosive presents behind? No Can Master Chief easily switch between fast short burst, to Charged up Shots, to Missiles? No Can Master Chief Strafe Dodge? No Not to mention. Samus has ALOT more health, so much health, that she doesn't have to run away from combat to let her shield recharge. She's got enough health, that Master Chief would be dead at least 5 times over, before she got down to her last energy cannister. (Samus has the equivalent of about 4 overshields at once equipped) It's a no brainer. And it's sad to see that the poll options are giving it to the Master Chief. You people need to spend a little more time thinking about this.

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      10 Replies
      • Samus when she is fully powered. It would take so long to kill her. I'm sorry, but as much as I like both franchises, i'm going with the bounty hunter. If we were talking basic power, chief would win easy

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        2 Replies
        • I don't think enough people know Samus Aran's capabilities. And they won't read up, either. Suffice it to say...she'd win.

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          7 Replies
          • Samus solos with phazon beam.

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          • Hate these stupid master chief fanboy bullshit posts. There isn't much that master chief can beat when it comes to sci fi Heros and villains.

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            1 Reply
            • Master Chief is awesome, but Samus would beat him hands down. Her suit is more powerful, and even without it she is a highly skilled warrior.

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            • Mfw most people voting for chief only know samus from SSB

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              1 Reply
              • 3
                As much as I love the chief, I have to admit Samus would win the battle easily

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                • Samus all the way that chozo tech is no joke

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                • Edited by BWSflash80: 4/16/2015 7:06:06 AM
                  As much a I like the Chief, (and yes I've read some of the books), Samus would slaughter him. She's extremely battle-hardened, far more highly equipped, and way too fast for him to put up a fight. Her shields are dramatically stronger than his and her firepower outdoes his as well. He could never even hit her with a Spartan Laser or Rocket Launcher. You can forget about the energy sword as well since she could immediately ball up and leave a trail of bombs. Her agility, quick weapon switch access, and suit abilities are just far too much for him to handle. If it were her fighting the Flood and Covenant, she'd have taken them both out one game sooner.

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                  8 Replies
                  • Are you kidding me? Who the hell would vote for master chief of Samus!? Samus = the obvious badass. Master chief is just a knock-off of the true beast. :)

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                    • I love Chief, but Samus would definitely win.

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