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originally posted in: Hate Against Kids (Rant)
3/9/2015 8:29:40 AM
Firstly the game isn't designed to be played by people under 16. That's its UK age rating. I know that nobody cares about age ratings and everyone sees worse things in the news than in video games eh ? but, without wanting to sound rude, I really wouldn't want to team up with 12/13 year olds. It's not personal it's just not for me. If a 6 or 7 year old was playing Destiny I would wonder about the parents attitudes. Okay, it's not a blood soaked ultra violent game full of constant swearing, dismemberment and body parts going everywhere but I would be more like thinking "isn't it past their bedtime ?" Or "don't they have other things to do at such s young age ?" I fully accept that some kids are wise and mature beyond their years and that's great but (in my experience) far too many act all tough and street smart and won't listen to anything you tell them because (a) I am old and past it and (b) they have played far more video games than I have. If I am the only one who finds playing with 12/13 year olds, even anonymously, slightly uncomfortable, then so be it but as I said, it's not a personal issue I have with any individual. Happy Gaming!!

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