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Edited by JustTyler: 3/12/2015 8:45:47 AM

Hate Against Kids (Rant)

Squeakers suck and steal Mommy's Credit Card


Kids are alright and bearable sometimes.


Keep it the same.


Hello I am a [u]13 year old[/u] gamer and I play [b]Destiny[/b]. When I join someone or go on [b]raids [/b]I am Called "[i]Squeaker[/i]". I am apparently someone to laugh at and abuse for being [u]2 years[/u] younger then another person. About 1 in 15 people are nice and don't care. When I need help with a Raid I invite people and ask people for help, then I am abused because I am [u]13 [/u]and have a voice that is kind of high. I play with[u] 6-9 year old's[/u] if they need help... most other people just bully them and ruin the experience of Communication on this awesome [b]MMO[/b]. I love [b]Destiny [/b]it is fascinating and enjoyable... but about [b]70%[/b] of the community are bullies towards "Little Kids". If you don't want to play with someone because they have a voice that you absolutely can't stand, don't be a Bully just say "Sorry I really don't want to do this... I want to do other things" as appose to hurting feelings and being a dick. You were a kid once whats wrong with it? If they are screaming in the microphone and being really Annoying then give them a chance tell them your gonna kick them if they keep going, then if they keep going don't retaliate just be chill and say "Hey you had your warning... sorry your being kicked". The thread is about people being bullies after they say a few words in a high voice. Also if they try to be funny don't laugh and say that wasn't really that funny try something else. About 4 years ago I got Xbox with COD and I did these things to so I can understand why people gave them this reputation. I feel it should be changed a little bit. Fighting fire with fire never works out it's just a waste of time. If this is changed I would think [b]Destiny [/b]would be more inviting and people under [u]14 [/u] would enjoy it a lot more! Also shut up about ratings. Look at the movies people sneak in all the time your not gonna stop anything. In Australia you are allowed to play it so you can't say crap about kids from Aussie. Think of something without involving ratings or do you need to rely on them? [spoiler]Australia has different spelling and grammar and I am 13 get off my case.[/spoiler]

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  • Not going to read that Just came to randomly vote

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  • In my experience most kids I come across talk a lot of shit (and/or just talk a lot), mess up a [i]ton[/i] even if they are helped out, blame other people or circumstances for their errors. Some don't, but they're few and far between.

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  • Judging by your name you're cool with me.

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  • I have no problem with kids as long as they're not ridiculously loud and follow instructions when necessary.

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  • There are so many 11-13 year olds yelling or blaming other people for their mistakes. I always give them a fair warning but they don't listen. Sorry for looking like an asshole to make a raid/strike bearable.

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  • If you aren't obnoxious and don't suck I'm willing to play with anyone. I'm not about to carry someone without planning it.

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  • As long as they stfu and listen to what the older and smarter people say, they can stay as long as they want. Problem is, most squeaker cant shut up, and are too dumb to understand just how dumb they are. They like to talk over people as well i find, which is a top-tier pet-peeve for me.

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  • Wow... this is trending! :D

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  • Its literally an age old problem dude... you'll rarely be accepted by the big kids no matter what you play, whether its basket ball or destiny. Plus there's alot of douche bags online period, no matter how old you are. Find yourself some players\friends like yourself ,no matter how long it takes, and go h.a.m.

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    5 Replies
    • Look for a clan of people the same age who will accept you then...simple.

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    • well written out post for a 13 year old but on the opposite side of the argument, destiny's age limit is T or pegi 16 so technically people below that age shouldn't be playing or on LFG groups they should at least state that they are a squeaker people below 16 should expect to find the attitude of people who are 16 or above which tends to be more aggressive with a lot of foul language personal i don't mind squeakers if they aren't annoying and try grab attention

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    • ESRB Rated m for mature 17+...

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      4 Replies
      • I don't mind squeakers unless they just don't follow directions. If I'm playing with a person who has a high voice, I lower their voice in the party so it's not bad. Only had one bad expirience and that was a kid who just didn't know how to do anything. Find friends to play with. You will always come in contact with those people who hate on the younger ones. It will never change.

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      • Biased poll is biased

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      • I still wont play with kids... Problem is they're either too young minded or too much of a snowflake entitled twat. There is no in-between. Sorry.

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      • [quote]If this is changed I would think [b]Destiny [/b]would be more inviting and [u]people under[/u] [b]14[/b] would enjoy it a lot more![/quote] I'll admit I don't know the Australian rating system, although I hear it's more strict than in the US, but Destiny is rated T for Teen in the US, so....... I'm not saying pre-teens can't or shouldn't play Destiny, but don't be surprised when you're not a largely welcomed part of the community.

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        2 Replies
        • What's with the random bolds? Make no sense.

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        • I have bad experience with young kids. That being said I don't mind helping them out. Or really anyone who asks me as long as they actually listen to me. I'm not someone you just pick up and order around. If you ask for my help we do it my way until we beat it. If someone's got a better suggestion I'd listen. But only if my way clearly isn't working.

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          5 Replies
          • Lol use voice changer or don't talk so much

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          • As long as everyone is playing nice, I don't care. That said, unless the parents have determined that their child is mature enough to handle it, I don't believe that younger gamers (exact age of "younger" depending on the rating of the game in question) should be allowed to play games that are rated above their age. Unfortunately, I don't trust most parents to intelligently make that decision. In my experience, most parents these days either don't parent very well, or don't at all. Either way, you'll find just as many...unsatisfactory...people between the ages of 17 and 70. Honestly, I was more mature than some of these people when I was 4.

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          • So much Haters and so much Nice people I thought it would be all haters. Thanks! :D

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          • This is honestly a game that you can enjoy without to many squeakers. I mean I rarely get into lobbies with them. As for people hating them, it's not the fact that your young or squeak, it's the fact that 95% of "squeakers" don't stop talking and think they know everything and always die or back. Not to mention the amount of so-called trolling. But if you just stay quiet, or talk when needed, I would run the raid with you every week if you know what to do.

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          • Ignore them. Just tell them that they were once squeakers too

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          • I'm 14 and squeakers annoy me. Just deal with it for like a year don't talk much unless you have to and don't wine. I got through it for two years and nobody said a word cuz I didn't flip shit and sound like a pissed dog toy when I got exotics

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          • I have nothing against squeakers, it's just that all that I've seen are so damn annoying and don't shut up. One of my friends invited me to a raid once and I decided to help out, as soon as I join I am greeted by an orgy of squeakers screaming into their mic and yelling at each other. They were noobs, which I didn't mind since I had patience and wanted to help, but none could hear my directions over the constant screaming and chatter of the squeakers mics. I don't know why they were so loud but my ears had had enough. So I left. But then there are the other squeakers- the few that don't have their mic turned on blast/ don't scream in their mic, actually listen, and are just like any of the other good friends I usually play with and are fun to play with in general. I don't know why the majority of squeakers I've played with are so annoying though.

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            2 Replies
            • Haha [i]6-9[/i] year olds...

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