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Edited by JustTyler: 3/12/2015 8:45:47 AM

Hate Against Kids (Rant)

Squeakers suck and steal Mommy's Credit Card


Kids are alright and bearable sometimes.


Keep it the same.


Hello I am a [u]13 year old[/u] gamer and I play [b]Destiny[/b]. When I join someone or go on [b]raids [/b]I am Called "[i]Squeaker[/i]". I am apparently someone to laugh at and abuse for being [u]2 years[/u] younger then another person. About 1 in 15 people are nice and don't care. When I need help with a Raid I invite people and ask people for help, then I am abused because I am [u]13 [/u]and have a voice that is kind of high. I play with[u] 6-9 year old's[/u] if they need help... most other people just bully them and ruin the experience of Communication on this awesome [b]MMO[/b]. I love [b]Destiny [/b]it is fascinating and enjoyable... but about [b]70%[/b] of the community are bullies towards "Little Kids". If you don't want to play with someone because they have a voice that you absolutely can't stand, don't be a Bully just say "Sorry I really don't want to do this... I want to do other things" as appose to hurting feelings and being a dick. You were a kid once whats wrong with it? If they are screaming in the microphone and being really Annoying then give them a chance tell them your gonna kick them if they keep going, then if they keep going don't retaliate just be chill and say "Hey you had your warning... sorry your being kicked". The thread is about people being bullies after they say a few words in a high voice. Also if they try to be funny don't laugh and say that wasn't really that funny try something else. About 4 years ago I got Xbox with COD and I did these things to so I can understand why people gave them this reputation. I feel it should be changed a little bit. Fighting fire with fire never works out it's just a waste of time. If this is changed I would think [b]Destiny [/b]would be more inviting and people under [u]14 [/u] would enjoy it a lot more! Also shut up about ratings. Look at the movies people sneak in all the time your not gonna stop anything. In Australia you are allowed to play it so you can't say crap about kids from Aussie. Think of something without involving ratings or do you need to rely on them? [spoiler]Australia has different spelling and grammar and I am 13 get off my case.[/spoiler]

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  • I'm 43 so mostly everyone who plays this game is young to me. I've had good and bad experiences when raiding with young players (in your age bracket). Sorry you are having a bad experience. At the end of the day this is a game and about having fun. Hope you find a group that's fun to raid with.

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  • If you're on ps4 feel free to add me, veryresponsible. Personally don't care what age you are if you're respectful and open minded. People have only so much control over the sound of their voice, it's whatever.

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  • I don't have problems with the age of a player, what normally bothers me is their maturity and consideration for everyone else. I'm 30 and play with a clan ranging from 20-35 years of age. The majority of players that I have played with that are under the age of 16 (some even as high as 25 years of age) have no consideration for other players. We don't want to hear someone's music through the mic because it disrupts communication. We don't wanna hear you singing a song or making stupid noises the entire time. We don't want to hear you eat an entire bag of chips in our ear and talk with your mouth full. We don't wanna hear your take a piss with your mic on. We don't want to hear the words "go hard", "swagg" and all that other bs lingo that kids use every time you get a kill. We don't like to have someone jump up on the ledge we are on inch us off because its "funny" or running around doing stupid stuff while trying to complete a raid. We don't wanna hear you have a 20 minute conversation on your phone. We don't wanna say "hey man, cover this spot" and look up and see you in a completely different spot doing whatever you want. Raid teams require teamwork and everyone to pull their load. We also don't want someone to argue with us because "I do it this way." If you're entering a group of people (especially a clan), do it their way and if it continues to fail suggest a new alternative instead of demanding one. Tact is very under utilized. Also, don't make excuses when you die. If you die, you die, no biggie but "he got in my way" is not a good way to leave that group wanting to play with you again. I don't care what age a player is if they can be considerate and utilize the mute button on their mic. I have a 14 year old nephew that I run through the raids with my clan and I constantly have to tell him this kinda stuff (some not all of it). I told him if they tell me hes too annoying and won't help, I'm not gonna get mad at them because he continues to do the annoying stuff after I've told him its not cool. Its a maturity thing. I've played with "adults" who act like this too and I'd prefer not to play with them either. Age doesn't matter to me as long as the person isn't doing this stuff.

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    4 Replies
    • You are very mature for being only 13, excellent post. A lot of people forget, this game is rated T for Teen...

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      • I would totally raid with you if you're on 360. I was a squeaker once too, and I know the feeling. A lot of people that play this game are older teenagers, who love to use age as the ultimate measurement of experience. Most of them also have a Napoleon complex (they like to pick on those weaker because it's easy) that's even easier to hold onto because of online anonymity. The solution? Just hit ignore, block, whatever and try to find someone that's nice. If you can't find a set group of friends or someone nice, then try LFG and do your best to act mature around people you meet for the first time, and talk quietly. It's alright to make jokes around people now and again, and get loud and excited, but if you can tell people are getting annoyed by your voice then just mute yourself (or don't talk) and just listen and follow instructions. Even the assholes just want to get through the raid, and if you're a worthwhile player, your skill will speak for itself, and you won't need to talk. People want people to play, not to talk to. I went through the same struggle about 6-7 years ago, trying to find someone to play Halo 3 with when my voice was cracking all the time. Hell, I'm even stuck with the gamertag I made almost 9 years ago that makes me look like a 13 year old. Just know that it gets better and there's always 5 nice people out there somewhere willing to play, all you gotta do is find em.

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      • I judge by character. I'll group with you as long as you're respectful and don't scream random nonsense into your mic. I don't care what age you are. The reason people blow you off due to your age is their past experience. I've been lucky enough to have been in groups where kids were great and not a problem, but not everyone has been so lucky.

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      • The moment you said COD you lost almost all of my respect. Eh what the heck. I'm 13 too. I never get kicked because I have a voice like Tay Zonday.

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        • Edited by FETT 490: 3/9/2015 1:41:02 PM
          I was invited to do Crota yesterday. I get there and everyone is talking in the back crystal room. There's one squeaker, two older guys, a couple older teenagers, that sounded maybe 18-21. Nobody can agree on a proper strategy, and you know who ends up fighting and bickering and bossing everyone around? That's right. The adults. They go at it like cats and dogs, meanwhile squeaker adds input here and there, and kid ends up actually taking charge and becoming our swordbearer. Out of everyone present, he was the only one who seemed to have his sht together. [b]tl;dr: [/b] Rudeness/bossiness comes in all ages. Don't let jerks get to you.

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        • Edited by Kone19ps: 3/9/2015 2:12:16 PM
          Don't mind if you're squeaky it's your maturity and ability to listen that's important. If I can't even explain how to do Templar because you can't shut up then you get booted. Excessive swearing and stuff I actually don't mind as long as it's for short outbursts directed at the game. No one needs a tantrum or a vindictive teammate. Also a little advice to squeakers that know what they are doing. Let others talk ten correct them. Still not the best reactions but better than interrupting or starting off because a lot of the time you will get dismissed. And if you do know something is wrong restrain your add and explain. Don't just yell yore doing it wrong or you know what to do over and over. Explanation is what's important. Not that the whole groups attention is focused on you. Otherwise good luck! Edit: also if you're stuck on boomer duty but don't want to be think through it before saying you're bored. I've been stuck there too. If you really can't handle it drop out. If it's a situation like this you should understand. It was me as a 32 with a gally, our 32 swordbearer then 3, 31s no gallys, and a 30 on hard. I was already dropping two rockets for the shields to go down each time and we eventually got it, but letting the 30 shoot would have taken hours longer. He tried to help by shooting swordbearer but just drew him over to the right. He did it again after we told him not to and he almost got kicked before he learned to ask before just testing stuff

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        • I've been in many raid with "squeakers" and some of the best raids that I've done with any group besides my raid group have been with these kids who haven't had their voice change but if you are really annoying no matter your age I will kick you

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        • First, if you are being bullied or harassed, you need to report that. Adults doing that to kids especially make me sick. No reason for that to go on. Kids are kids, they are still developing and they are all over the place. Here is my take on the situation though: If I get into a match with the 12 year old kid who is swearing constantly at the game, yelling at their younger brother while fighting off their mom about having to take the trash out, they get booted or I leave. If they want to be treated like adults, they need to act like them, or at least have respect and realize they are not the center of the universe or the only one who knows how to play the game. I have played with very respectful kids, and thats great. I will help anyone out that I can. Just need to have respect for others, especially adults who are trying to help them. I don't mind mistakes either, and am a very patient person, but there are limits to that. Stop trying and start throwing tantrums, you are gone.

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          • I just go muted and don't talk :\ that's my solution so I don't get kicked

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          • For me it's not the octave of the voice it's the maturity and manners or lack there of that drive me to kick other players. I've kicked plenty of other over the age of "squeaker" before.

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            • I'm fine with playing with younger people. The only thing I can't stand is when they yell or constantly announce what they are doing or why they need help.

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            • It's rated T. What the hell are 6-9 year olds doing playing?

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              • I'm fine playing with younger gamers. I have had one really bad experience with "squeakers" before. [spoiler]It was sometime last October. My buddy and I were trying to get a fireteam together to finish the Vault of Glass. I invited someone who was eleven years old. My buddy was pretty skeptical, but I went ahead and convinced him to give the kid a chance. This youngster wanted to invite his thirteen year old cousin. We let him. We finally got our team together and started on our Gatekeepers Checkpoint. We wiped a few times. The two kids would also bicker about who was at fault for the wipe. We finally managed to finish Gatekeepers. We hit a wall at Atheon. Wipe after wipe, the kids did nothing but complain and attempt to blame others for each wipe. Finally, I became annoyed with their griping (my buddy had been annoyed with them). My buddy and I went to Private Chat to discuss the situation. We decided that the two kids needed to find another fireteam. After exiting Private Chat we let them know that it just was not working out. They started whining when they realised that we were going to boot them. My patience was exhausted and I told them that I was there to play a game and relax, not to babysit a couple of spoiled brats. That was that. I gave them the boot. We found a couple of other guys and defeated Atheon.[/spoiler] I'm sure that there are plenty of people that would allow such a loathsome experience to condemn the entire age group. I have not. I'm always willing to give them a chance. I do always hope that they will not be like those two spoiled brats that I had the displeasure of gaming with.

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              • Really this playerbase is a bit above your age range. Imo you should just try to play with real life friends. Or a different game.

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              • It's not that your voices are high pitched, it's that you say and do annoying things (and the voice just doesn't help). I'm fine with playing with a kid that knows when to talk and when to shut up, but that is almost never the case. They either know nothing or think they know everything. Both are annoying. Also, 1:14 != 70% Check your math. I only play with people who can calculate basic probabilities.

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                • Edited by Absolute Dark: 3/9/2015 12:33:41 PM
                  I actually raid on occasion with some young players and they are on my friend list because they can both play and fit into the demeanor of the team. I have played with a few young ones who are too excitable and talkative, but by shear numbers, it is the cocky, mouthy 16 to 20 year old's that end up getting the boot from a pick up team. Many older players will show an upfront negativity to younger players based on their voice alone, but it is usually a matter of maturity than anything else that drives how people act. No older friend on my friend list bullies younger players in my lobbies as a rule. On the rare occasion it has happened, it is the mouthy ones that get removed. Do your thing and don't worry about the bullies. Just know they less of a person than you and move on.

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                • It has to do with experiences. I had one last night that crashed our voice party and demanded we played with him and did the vog or crota with him. We said we were doing the crota on hard so we would be on it for awhile. The kid stayed in the party and kept randomly saying stuff which was a bit disorienting. For example, at one point he said go and we fired at crota in the wrong timing. One of our members asked if he could leave so we could concentrate a bit better. His answer? "Oh I see you don't want to play with me... Ok, you'll see. Wait and you'll see" and he got out. Result? We Will most likely be reported for whatever reason the kid comes up with which could end up bringing us issues and preventing us from playing. Or nothing will happen. Either way, it's unsavoury. So, I don't mind kids. I help kids when it's viable. But I getting to a point where I'll start removing them from my list and not accepting them to play with me to avoid such "scenes" which have been happening lately. Not all kids are bad but I don't have to deal with those who are. I didn't think like this until recently but yeah... Things changed my mind.

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                • Cool kid. Exactly 0 people give a -blam!-. If I come across a kid like you. I kick. Simple as that. Am I mean for doing it? Probably. Do I give a shit? Absolutely not.

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                  • I won't be mad at you for being young, but I'll complain about your pissy Australian Internet.

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                  • But it's a T for teen game, I not telling parent how to raise their children but if your voice is higher than 4 octaves, than you're probably not old enough or mature to play this game

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                    • I met this one kid names Zgutz on xboot (shootout to you bhole ;) ) well tbh this kid actually a squaker but then again he's 12 but he's actually one if the nicest one I ever met #nohomo whenever I'm in the party trying to talk and people are talking over all I hear from him is "guise shut up and speak at your time dubes (dubs) has something to go on dubes " I admit it felt great seeing someone like this with no hostility (sometimes lol) at a growing age. And he's pretty hardcore at the game whenever I'm on he's on crota 5/6 I figure hey open spot so I join his party all sudden "dubes join quick" "lolk" kids at hard atheon 2 hours into the reset something not common in my eyes. But Idc cool kid, cool guy, my friend (probably on the forums).

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                      • please remeber that online gaming on xbox or psn has a lot of adult language and social talk. most older gamers like myself dont like having kids in the room because of this.

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                        5 Replies
                        • Edited by X1014: 3/9/2015 11:10:28 AM
                          Not all kids are squeakers. I have a few that ive friended (kids, not squeakers) and sometimes go on missions with them, and never have an issue

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