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Edited by JustTyler: 3/12/2015 8:45:47 AM

Hate Against Kids (Rant)

Squeakers suck and steal Mommy's Credit Card


Kids are alright and bearable sometimes.


Keep it the same.


Hello I am a [u]13 year old[/u] gamer and I play [b]Destiny[/b]. When I join someone or go on [b]raids [/b]I am Called "[i]Squeaker[/i]". I am apparently someone to laugh at and abuse for being [u]2 years[/u] younger then another person. About 1 in 15 people are nice and don't care. When I need help with a Raid I invite people and ask people for help, then I am abused because I am [u]13 [/u]and have a voice that is kind of high. I play with[u] 6-9 year old's[/u] if they need help... most other people just bully them and ruin the experience of Communication on this awesome [b]MMO[/b]. I love [b]Destiny [/b]it is fascinating and enjoyable... but about [b]70%[/b] of the community are bullies towards "Little Kids". If you don't want to play with someone because they have a voice that you absolutely can't stand, don't be a Bully just say "Sorry I really don't want to do this... I want to do other things" as appose to hurting feelings and being a dick. You were a kid once whats wrong with it? If they are screaming in the microphone and being really Annoying then give them a chance tell them your gonna kick them if they keep going, then if they keep going don't retaliate just be chill and say "Hey you had your warning... sorry your being kicked". The thread is about people being bullies after they say a few words in a high voice. Also if they try to be funny don't laugh and say that wasn't really that funny try something else. About 4 years ago I got Xbox with COD and I did these things to so I can understand why people gave them this reputation. I feel it should be changed a little bit. Fighting fire with fire never works out it's just a waste of time. If this is changed I would think [b]Destiny [/b]would be more inviting and people under [u]14 [/u] would enjoy it a lot more! Also shut up about ratings. Look at the movies people sneak in all the time your not gonna stop anything. In Australia you are allowed to play it so you can't say crap about kids from Aussie. Think of something without involving ratings or do you need to rely on them? [spoiler]Australia has different spelling and grammar and I am 13 get off my case.[/spoiler]

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  • Try playing gta with kids *hold magnum up to head*

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    2 Replies
    • We all used to be squeakers kid, bit if your voice hurts my ears when you talk cause its so high pitched, you're out

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    • Lol a 6 year old playing a game like destiny is pretty far fetched... Come on...

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      16 Replies
      • Don't hate on kids, but also don't want to play with them either. Go ask your mother how she feels about you playing games with people in their late 20s or early 30s and talking to them...

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      • Edited by MZTER DIAMONDZ: 7/21/2015 1:50:36 PM
        I love the children community! They never cry over thorn! Whenever I play with 17+ people every death they're like OH MY GOD THORN AGAIN. Friend me on Xbox 360 if you feel the same about children. My Gt is MZTER DIAMONDZ

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      • Edited by Ashikon: 7/21/2015 12:49:32 AM
        This is the reason why I keep my mic muted and pretend my mic is broken. I'm 13 to. And why would I steal my parents credit card I still have over $300 dollars in savings/themoneyiusetogivemyparentstotakemeto7-11tobuymicroaoftpoints [spoiler]People keep me anyway because I'm a really good swordbearer and have a gally too. Also I know how to do raids...And cheese them...and carry people who don't know how to do raids.[/spoiler]

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        5 Replies
        • Tip number 1 change ur gamer tag to something that isn't so childish or has mad x's and number.. Be clever if u can

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        • Agreed. It's the skill they should judge not the voice.

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        • Shit you should be out fishing, chasing girls and doing other stuff kids your age do!

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          5 Replies
          • Thank god for puberty, I was a squeaker until about 4 months ago.

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            10 Replies
            • I tolerate anyone I play with. However, if you go overboard and start screaming and screeching, you get muted.

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            • Edited by NERDY_GURU: 7/21/2015 12:04:44 PM
              I can't stand playing playing with anyone under the age of 15. This is for various reasons. 1) high pitched voices, that go even higher when yelling and ranting 2) the "me" attitude where everything is about them and they are never wring and it must be someone else's fault it failed 3) the entitlement issue. Where they expect they can be little retards and not have to participate and still get rewards 4) will not listen when given instructions 5)feel the need to swear because they think it make them cool There are others and these can be faults of people much older but I see them more and more from people under the age of 15. Now that doesn't mean that there aren't exceptions. However my rules have come down to be respectful and work with the team or get the boot.

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              1 Reply
              • I don't hate kids, I have many on my friends list. Hearing a kid yell, "MOM ONE SECOND" Is gut busting to me.

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                3 Replies
                • Overall it's totally fine. The other day while doing VoG we had 2 kids in the party, it was totally fine until we reached Gorgon part. Dude both of them started to run, punch, jump constantly and babbling some noices into the mic i thought they were daemons. They would'nt stop and on top of that they bursted into evil laughter. Fireteam leader had to kick them. Funny part is, when we kicked them they were as silent as before. Once we finished the gorgon part he re-invited them and everything went fine again. That was a strange experience.

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                • I beat a raid on hard with straight literal 12 year olds and we actually got the the raid pretty fast and better than some other ppl.. And God bless me with two fate bringers that I never had

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                • I have no problem with squeekers if they want to play the game. Yesterday i did leave 2 vogs because of squeekers. 1 lad had decided to glitch out his primary weapon and was only using melee........ we were at atheon :/

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                • Personally, I do prefer to play with adults, but that being said, sometimes there are a couple of kids I will help with things. As long as they are respectful and know how to say thanks, plus don't have a know it all attitude and are prepared to listen (you learn a lot more when you close your mouth and open your ears), then I don't mind helping out at all.

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                • I have no problem playing with younger players as long as they act mature. By the way you speak, I'd have no problem playing with you or talking in party chat. If you're on Xbox One, you can add me, I'm always looking for new people to play with! GT: KKorrupt Don't let people get you down, bud

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                • I had this kid yesterday that made me laugh

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                • Edited by Morgana: 7/21/2015 1:17:40 PM
                  Kids are alright if they behave appropiate, but if they are completely immature i kick them, this Game is 16+, if you are younger, thats fine, just pls don´t behave like a monkey. Edit: This doesn´t go to you personally, i don´t even know you and you seem like a cool kid, this comment goes to all young destiny players.

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                • Destiny is not an mmo

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                • Tbh I really hate kids because just like you no offense they always have something to talk about not worth talking about. They either scream, talk too much, or just say dumb stuff, act like a know it all. I've met about 2 cool kids under 13 who are just chill as -blam!-, don't scream, don't profanely curse like a sailor, crack humorous jokes and are fun to actually play with. I rarely don't want to play with someone because they have an annoying voice, but to be completely honest I've had some kids whose voices just make my ears want to bleed from being so high pitched and loud. Overall, it's a game not real life. If an 15 year old doesn't want to play with you, you shouldn't want to play with him. Find solace in those 6-9 year olds you play with. Those are your real friends. Trust me, befriending the older kids isn't really worth it anyways. There's usually a generation gap pretty noticeable and chances are they will be different than you anyways and won't connect on the same level as people your age.

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                • 15 years old play everyday and am not a squeaker so yea get on my level haha jk

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                  2 Replies
                  • I am 14 years old. Every day I play with a group of 15+ players aging 25-45. They have no problem with me. I'm even American and most of them are Scottish dutch or British. I know when to shut up, and carry them through trials ( DTR me: XxKillaSquirtxX). Just don't be a asshole and have fun.

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                    17 Replies
                    • Bro, don't even worry about destiny. Enjoy your childhood and make memories. It's just a game. Have fun and enjoy

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                    • It's part of life little man you'll get through it as we all did

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