Empire has started
Jobs will be going up soon. It's settled, the empire is in the middle of a mountain range. The mountains will be heavily guarded. We have a pretty good army and some people off to the side. We have assassins and executioner. We have a leader for the elite guard. We need more members for the elite guard. The elite guard are high up. Also, we have a lot of captains, commanders, and generals. We need more people as just like grunts. These people can have multiple jobs so it doesn't get boring. Oh yeah, we need a warden. This man will find and keep track of bad people and those that go against the empire and call an execution. Officer Paiin is the executioner and high up in the ranks so respect him. We have a scout too. Scouts can do things outside of the empire as well as inside. Also, I don't know how to make a group but I will be getting to that soon. I will be getting the job list up sometime today or tomorrow so once that goes up, carry on with your job. Job list going up today. I've been very busy lately. Also Alduin is a traitor, I encourage you to attack him on sight. Also freddy the Teddy is commander of the elite guard. So you know what to do.
K a lot of shit has happened recently. Around march 16th the empire was sent into dark times by Lenny supporters. However, these were no ordinary Lenny supporters, these were traitors. Dragoborn Døøb has been seen supporting the Lennys. He assisted the attack. Tom Brady is a fūcking annoying douche and should just be muted. Once you mute him, rebuild the empire and we shall rise to power.
Also this is my robot bounty hunter. He does my bidding and has nothing to lose. As long as you aren't on his list, you're fine. http://th01.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2013/197/b/9/galaxy_saga___hunter__advanced__by_james_face-d6dprvk.jpg
Standard front line scout: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/4d/36/fe/4d36fed26000722d60ed480044345117.jpg
Ok, we are going futuristic. Everyone will wear exo suits and stuff. we are gonna build an army. it will have robots, mechs, animals, and armed men. please show me what you think the standard mech should look like. we will also be getting into more magic-like stuff soon.
-blam!- the job lists. too many people. too little time. I'm gonna put up important people like the head scout, supreme commander, commander of elite guard, executioner, and a couple others. these special guys have permission given by myself, the emperor, to approve applications to join the empire and give out orders that are not too extreme. extreme orders like the call for war should be left in the hands of the emperor and his council. space exploration is going well, we need an official armada with a giant oddly shaped ship in the middle. no one but myself and the council, if this armada is approved, will know what this "ship" does.
Most recent edit october something twany fifteen: sup guise
[[b]SUPREME COMMANDERS REPORT[/b]] Retreat to the main city, deflector shields and kinetic barriers are activated, these defenses are impenetrable. I have sent Vice squad, equipped with Anti-matter weaponry they will handle this situation. Resume Martial law on the city immediately, someone is feeding information to Ultron Lenny, any suspicious persons take in for questioning. -Supreme Commander of The Armed Forces /[b]END REPORT[/b]/
Anybody want ice cream? Im selling you're buying.
Everyone on the spec ops team should come to me. I will give you free pants. For now you all have active camo.
REPORT?! What's going on down there on Earth?!
*giant explosion*
Edited by ARKHITEKTON: 3/13/2015 3:13:50 AM* flys away*
If you need a skilled swordsman, I serve, for a price
From the Dojo and FLOODZONE. Alondite, aka Ragnell, the Archsage and inventor. At your service *bows*
Edited by SonacyOfTheHams: 3/13/2015 2:38:12 AM*Approaches entrance to empire* I've returned, once again. I seek entry, I'm from the dojo. I would like to examine the damage caused by the recent Lenny attack, albeit very minimal damage. *Waits*
Sir, we have been attacked by the Lenny's...
No I already have an empire...
O faithful emperor, I have found a symbol for our nation. [url=http://cdn1.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2013/01/Jordan-flag-520x245.jpg]link[/url]
Dear Emperor, I wish to join the Empire with the few surviving Spartan super soldiers under my command. We face a common enemy: the Lennies, and I wish to fight them alongside your men.
I sell muffins.
[b]ID Legal Name: Redacted[/b] [b]Nickname:[/b] Primordial [b]Age: Redacted[/b] [b]Occupation: Assassin[/b] Members of the Empire, call upon me if you so require.
Orders every guard to patrol the city This city is now under Martial Law, no one is getting in or out without proper authorization and ID papers
Edited by Diego12: 3/13/2015 2:21:18 AM( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) have died
I apply for elite guard
Phantom, what'd you want to ask me about?
Edited by Glowhoo Enthusiast: 3/13/2015 2:06:26 AMThe empire has taken my hometown, and I must go out of hiding. I am Argarok, the being of the dark. I will take back the land this empire has taken and crush them with iron fist. I lurk in the shadows, and will lower your men one by one...
Anyone have an inn I can rest and repair at for the night? Martial law is killing me...
I have reports of a mutated army of lennys with [u][b]4[/b][/u] eyes that is being raised in another thread.
Do you want to build an empiiiiiiire?
I think the moon colony could be useful allies