I still remember fighting Psycho Mantis in Metal Gear Solid 1. He would read all your moves before you did them and was literally impossible to beat. He would also talk to you about the games that you had already played by reading your memory card (this was super trippy). The only way to beat him was to unplug your controller and plug it into port two so he couldn't read you moves anymore. It took me and my buddy days to figure it out... This was before Google too, so you couldn't just look it up.
Ornstein and Smough, Dark Souls.
I thought Zeus on gow3 on the hardest difficulty was really tough
Edited by Sapphire: 5/9/2015 5:24:29 PMUmm probably Alma in Ninja Gaiden Black. I spent most of an afternoon trying to beat her...
Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts 2
Croat hard the glitches are real
Ruby or Emerald from FF7 riiiiiiidiculousness
Lucent Nargacuga in Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. Wearing high rank gear.
Go on and slam.
Dark souls-Pikachu and Snorlax
Dark souls prepaid to die edition the black dragon is by far the hardest boss I have ever faced
Edited by tony: 5/5/2015 2:06:42 PMOmg its always gonna be DAIMON second form from dragon dogma dark arise....omg he gave me the worst time ever in a vidgame. It took me like two hours to kill him in my first encounter with him...and DEATH is another one from the same game. Ive been playing the game for almost two years now and i still dont know how to kill DEATH.
FFX Pennance, Nemesis, and the Dark Aeons Took me a week of retrying to beat Pennance
Emerald Weapon FF7.
Edited by KPIO228: 5/8/2015 6:20:08 AMTerramorpheous the Ultra Invincible from Borderlands 2. I was like, OH SWEET JESUS THERE ARE TENTACLES EVERYWHERE
The Huge alien boss from Half Life I completely forgot his name, Shao Khan in MK9, at at the time, Lanius from Fallout New Vegas, and Liberty Prime from a New Vegas Mod
Day One Halo:MCC Multiplayer
Dark souls takes the top 20 slots np
Mew Tew. End. Of. Story.
All of the bosses on Links Awakening on the Gameboy color. Those took me forever
Edited by Oxie: 5/7/2015 10:50:53 PMBoss Scorpion on the MKX phone edition Bet im the only one who has a problem beating him
Crota on hard
It took you days to figure it out ?? Wtf ? The game tells you to do it after a couple of time attempting to defeat him, you get a message to do it. Nonetheless that was awsome at the time ;)
Nightmare in Metroid Fusion. He's not even that hard but every time I play he wipes the floor with me multiple times. The first time playing the game I actually threw my Gameboy Advance into the corner of my room in disgust, and left it there for over a month.
Seth from SF4.