Lets all point and laugh at their idiocy!!!
[spoiler]And my misfortune cuz I'm still expected to work[/spoiler]
OMG A WHOLE 20INCHES?!?!?!?!? Bitch please where I'm from having 20 inches is considered the best day of summer. And you don't see me complaining when I drive through a desert.
Is crazy hear right now I live in bowling green ky and we got like 10 inches of snow so I'm snowed in playing destiny and smoking funk any fellow Kentucky gamers in hear other then me feel free to send friend request
When I read the title, I thought you were gonna say they ran out of chicken, you had me scared[/spoiler]
Snow in the UK 1 inch - MET office issue weather warning, news of 'dangerous blizzards' spread around the news stations. 3 inches - schools close nationwide, widespread disruption on motorways. Shots of abandoned cars and crashed busses litter the media. 7 inches - government stops operating, severe disruption to hospitals and the emergency services. Headline - 'child dies when hit by heavy snowfall' 1 foot - national humanitarian crisis declared; army deployed to help clear roads, civilians advised to stay indoors and wait for foreign aid. Government officially collapses and hands control of the county over to France. One fifth of the population commit suicide over this news.
[quote]22 inches in 24 hours[/quote] Oh lawdeh
>people not realizing that they don't have salt trucks and it gets way to icy to drive Even people from the north admitted they couldn't drive in it
Canada laughs at you
If that was in Florida people would've froze to death
My university was closed today ;). Laugh all you want!!
There goes my bargain bucket Oh well there's always Maccy ds
Actually the storms have caused terrible flooding near WV border.
Reppin' Canada. That's nuthin
Here in New England, 20 inches is perfect beach weather. No but seriously, it has snowed so much, most my state (my entire county, which is a big part in a small state like Rhode Island) has already gone over our snow maintenance and removal budget. Lmfao.
I thought they ran out of fried chicken. Whew!
Is it because they almost lost to the the unranked Dawgs?
We're under more than 5 feet of snow, it's snowing still, no state of emergency in Massachusetts.
Wow they're so screwed! Hahahaha Yeah I'm in Kentucky.