Cut it in half sew a dog to its backside and call it catdog
The actual application of that is horrific.
Edited by Magikarp: 3/4/2015 9:25:59 PMI know
..... Wanna help me try?
Sure when
How about Saturday, early in the morning before anyone wakes up and wonders why a cat and dog are wailing in pain an there are chainsaw sounds
That'll work.
I'll bring a dartboard to pass the time while an electric current continually passes through catdog.
We're visionaries. Future generations will look back on this as one of the greatest scientific breakthroughs of the 21st century.
Simpletons will view it as an animalistic attempt at recreating Frankenstein
We know better. The scientific community will tremble at our feet!
*rubs hands* haha, yes! They will fear the names spankin and Akíra!
[spoiler]evil laughter intensifies[/spoiler]
[quote][spoiler]evil laughter intensifies[/spoiler][/quote]