Oh wait, I just realised...
...you might not get it.
Last time i heard that i fell off my dinosaur
Old and stale. Need a new joke please
Wow this was funny...... the first 34 times I saw it posted.
I got it yesterday;D
Got that joke last night
Here for fun. - old
Mr. Fruit! -
Edited by IslandBird: 3/4/2015 12:48:49 PM*Old *Mr. Fruit O and btw i have 5
I got that joke around lunch yesterday
I got that joke twice in 20 mins :')
I got the joke. Yesterday morning.
hahaha i got that joke three times :')
Edited by Stylez au: 3/4/2015 12:51:10 PMWanna hear a joke? [spoiler]don't worry you won't get it either[/spoiler] edit: btw I got your joke 6 times :) nice try tho.
This thread has been before. Nothing more then a copy cat...be original
Heard that months ago
you get zero points for originality,..
Someone posted this months ago zero points for originality
This has been posted on the forums a few times already..
smh but still clever
This IS funny!
I have 2 :3
Got 2
I got it when Xür told me on week 2. :)
I get it got it yesterday lol
I don't get it.. I have 4 gjallarhorns. You really shouldn't joke about a weapon of this caliber.. RNGsus is always watching