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originally posted in:Trinity Reapers
3/3/2015 8:13:19 PM

Possible Change for the Better

Hello Guardians all over the solar system. This is PhoenixFlareon and I'm the leader of the Tritnity Arch Clan. I have some suggestions that may possible benefit destiny and make it a better game in my opinion. 1.Matchmaking for the Raids - it's hard to find people that will fight the Raids with you and it's quite difficult to find people with high enough level to fight with you. 2. Ship Design and Flights- Let guardians actually fly their own ships to other planets and explore the stars. you can be a shipwright and create your own ships from scratch or design it from default. You can also make a game where you have ship battle other ships for dominance. It can be like a Air to Air version of Crucible. you can also add a faction for the shipwright so you can get rare or legendary parts to make nice ships of the player's own design. 3. Radiant Material Expansion - If it's not that much trouble, you can try to expand where you can get Radiant Gear in the game. You can add some of it in the Daily Heroic. If you do that, people can get more material without going through the raids. The actual chance of getting raid material in Crucible or Vanguard Strike playlist is low so i thought this can boost it's productivity through getting another source. Another way to get more is also adding it to the public events on every planet. When you do this, you have a better chance of actually get some material. 4. NightFall End Result Loot - I know that when you complete the Nightfall, you get legendary or exotic gear or random material once a week. I believe it would be nice if you can be rewarded for every time you fight instead of waiting a week just to do the nightfall. people can still get rewards but with the same challenges. You can also make it to where when they finish, it can happen on a different planet just to keep things different. 5. Special Events Area - I believe they should let the room that holds the iron banner and the Queen's bounty should be open to the public. i mean i been in that area and i always loved it. It's a nice area that can be just as relaxing and fun for people to be in. 6. Clans Improvement - Everyone by now is in a clan and usually have nice spot for them to hangout. I would like it if there was a special area in the tower for clan members to hangout, host meetings, read Grimoire cards and just enjoy life in destiny. 7. Special Events Week Expansion - It would be nice to expand the duration of the Iron Banner and the Queen's bounty events. Some people don't usually have the time spend in destiny due to their personal circumstances and they miss out on the best offer they get in these events. I was just think about expanding for one more week. 8. Sparrow Customization - i was thinking that you can design your sparrow like you can with the ships suggestion i had at number 2. you can create your own sparrow from scratch or design it from default. you can s test them out on planets and also have race against other guardians and the winners get rare, legendary, or exotic gear or items. I know this a bit of a stretch but i believe that this could make a difference in destiny today and make it better for everyone. leave comments on your thoughts or message me if you have any concerns about this that i may have overlooked. Stay safe Guardians and push back the darkness. sincerely, Phoenix

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