UPDATE (not that it matters): Thanks to the enlightening posts (mainly clueing me in about a VOID shotgun): Completed the Crucible requirement in just under 4 hours in 15 Crucible (Control) matches. Main Weapon: Morgue Void Shotgun (fires slow but was adequate); Used Voidwalker and looked for opportune times to use NovaBomb to get Triple (or at least Double) Down. Killed only 2 Guardians with grenades and about 5 with R1 (bitchslap (as I call it)), and about 20 with NovaBomb; the rest of the kills were with that shotgun. Didn't do my usual rush in to the action; I lurked around corners and got'm when they were running or sneaking. Anyway, worked for me; hope this helps you others out there who may have been frustrated as I was (mainly for not having my favorite Crucible weapon a Void weapon).
ORIGINAL POST: (Please note my tongue-in-cheek sarcasm): I know, all you "cool" dudes out there are going to say it's EASY, and so Get Over It. But I have a whopping TWO void weapons (we'll get to abilities later): [1] Atheon's Epilogue, which thanks to Bungie's latest downgrade of Auto Rifles, is one step below useless in the Crucible; [2] and the Plug One.1, which takes 2.5 years to charge only to deliver a week-a$$ spray that kills NO ONE in the Crucible. As for abilities, Bungie also greatly WEAKENED the Voidwalker (Warlock Subclass) so that its Void grenades kill NO ONE. Finally, the only thing that can kill anyone in the Crucible is the Nova Bomb, which of course takes another 2.5 years to build up for one use. Combine all that with "Dying will slow your progress" and there you have it: Warlocks simply cannot get the Thorn bounty as it is now.
Solution? I already deleted the Thorn bounty once. Then they gave it to me again. So I tried again, and after just one run, i'm a whopping 5 out of 500 (now if I had a void shotgun, I could get my usual 20-30 kills and be done with it...)... just sayin'
Yes I have to agree with most o the comments. I have a warlock with sunsinger equipped and I beat the thorn crucible bounty in about 2-3 hours it's very easy and I also beat it with Atheons epilogue, which worked amazingly. So just saying its easy
Tbh u think the thorn bounty is hard try the -blam!-ing pocket infinity then come back and complain. SMH...
Sounds like you just whine
To be honest I'm not a huge fan of the invective so I don't really care about it or changing the elemental types. The voidwalker subclass is just right if not a touch overpowered in crucible a little weak in the raids but honestly if you're playing hard raid you shouldn't be using voidwalker anyways. And thirdly I think the crucible part of the Thorn bounty is a bit too easy. Let's be honest the Thorn is the strongest hand cannon for pvp hands down I've got 1 300 The Last Word and 1 300 Thorn. The Thorn walks all over TLW with its lingering damage and over penatrate ability, but in all honesty I don't think any part of it is too hard for anyone I actually finished it on my titan before I even started working on my defender class. It's not difficult at all of you play smart and don't go running around the map like a chicken with your head cut off. My opinion is they put the crucible part of this bounty into it to get people to play more as a team and possibly in some sense protect their VIP. Honestly I'm happy with all aspects that you seem to not be but best of luck to you and your future endeveres.
I hate Crucible.
Lookg for 50yo gamer girl. - old
btw: Destiny is probably the *BEST* mmorpg imho. VERY impressed with the Bungie team, so don't get the above tongue-in-cheek "complaint" twisted; in fact, I am extremely happy to have gotten the Thorn B4 they changed it to be done in the INFERNO. We also have a development company (websites/apps) and have a unique mmorpg game concept (1st stage development is 99% complete); I bring it up only to say that BUNGIE will be the company we first approach with the concept. -
I did the crucible part in an hour and a half it's not too hard
I didn't want to vote for any of then because they are all stupid but when with the first to see results. Lol at you scrubs
If anybody is doing the xyor part then add me jd knothead Xbox 360 level 31 warlock
I had complete this step for the thorn in 6 games, only six games!!
Seriously your are claiming that warlocks can't do the bounty? I've just completed the bounty again on a hunter (which doesn't even have a void subclass). Your just a bad player in my opinion and need to try more instead of crying on the forums.
Look out guys, we have a special snowflake here.
Edited by Th3 BlueGh0st: 3/3/2015 6:37:41 AMI just dedicated a hour and a half and got it done without a problem... as a HUNTER. Hunters don't even have void class abilities I would think that the void class would be the simplest to do the bounty with; but hey I haven't used void walker very much so maybe I just don't get it.
Exotics are hard to get cuz they are good... Made a post earlier for complainers like you
Where is the "none of the above" option
Try the three vs three cruc mode it might be a little easier to do it there
What the hell? How is it possible to whine about this bounty SO much?? I did it with a BLUE fusion rifle in ONE Saturday after getting it. Granted, I am skilled in PvP, But I've seen the bounty be completed by many others in my games and they were no MLG amazing player or whatever it is you think you have to be.
Dude you're such a bitch oh my god. All I had was two to the morgue with void and I completed the bounty with just that. A -blam!-ing shotgun. And you're complaining about an auto rifle and a fusion rifle? You're a -blam!-ing pussy. Git gud jackass.
I can't beat xyor:(
Lol I can solo the thorn bounty it's not hard. Have you not done the Vog or CE at all?
Edited by gr8estever900: 3/2/2015 6:47:06 PMI completed it just takes some serious grinding with a voidwalker warlock. I finished it in two days with a voidwalker warlock,a void fusion rifle, and a void machine gun.
madmaxx233 help me with summoning pits part
That's funny, I actually seen it get completed twice in the past two days....
Sounds like this is all tailored in your favor. Think about hunters. They don't even have a void class. There are plenty of weapons with void.
I understand the frustration, imagine m a hunter with no void supers!! And i better use my hand than ethions epilogue. What on earth were they thinking? I dont play pvp but wanted thorn for pve only, so dont give me tht shit of earning it etc.
Literally didn't even sweat this part of the bounty, it was fighting xyor that scared me. I was probably only level 27 or 28 at the time though