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Edited by CousinBobby88: 2/28/2015 12:23:59 AM

PLEASE READ: An Idea of how to upgrade the old raid gear and make the old raids relevant after HoW (Developer Open House)

Hey Everyone, I had an idea the other day I think would be awesome for keeping the old raid relevant after DLC was released. The idea is once a DLC drops and you achieve the MAX LIGHT LEVEL for that DLC (I will use HoW level 34 as an example but would upgrade like Night Fall every DLC launch) you would unlock a new raid mode that would allow you to do the old raids at level 34. Instead of getting weapons and armor, you would have a chance at each boss to receive a upgrade item kind of like an exotic shard/energy (this item would be on top of the loot you could receive which would still be at its original pre dlc levels). You then could use on your old raid gear or weapons. Each raid would have a unique upgrade item per raid armor / weapon sets. You would then have to head to Xur or some new person in the tower to upgrade the item to level 34, To make it less of a grind I think making you spend one of the new Armor/Weapon mats, and 12 shards or energy to upgrade one piece of armor up to level 34. This way you would not have to regrind the armor all over again. (Also I think this is a better idea than dropping new upgraded weapons because it allows you to just upgrade the old ones you already have like the exotic upgrades xur sells.) It would make the old upgrade mats viable again. It also will allow people to want to go back and run raids more often because you can only get 1-2 of the light level upgrade items/mats per raid. (Maybe like one upgrade shard and one energy shard per raid) Ultimately it allows people to customize their guardians to their full potential. Old raids would be relevant again, People can finally have the customization that they were asking for. Instead of one set of armor that would get you to 34 you have multiple sets. Weapons would be more of a variety as you could upgrade your old favorite raid weapons, (you could actually keep all your old raid weapons and upgrade them). This allows for weapon and armor diversity so that everyone can use a load out that they like the best. And you would have a new purpose after maxing out a guardian. You would have to get to level 34 through the new raid, and then they could go back and have a new challenge with the old raids. This would keep players who have maxed out playing. I think that if we could get enough support we could get Bungie to see this and maybe they would uses it as a framework for something similar. Again this is just an idea but I think that the community would be in favor of it as much as I am. EDIT: Thanks you everyone for the support lets get this trending, I think that this could be something that could really make the game that much more awesome. I know I would be hyped to go back after hitting 34 and running VoG to have a shot at getting mats to upgrade the armor to 34. SOME IDEAS I HAVE HEAR FROM OTHER PEOPLE - to be clear you would have to be a level 34 to acess the new mode so that way it would not take away from the new raid in anyway - maybe make the new raid mode level 35 difficulty ( like how Crota HM is in this expansion) (shout out to @Th3 JaBBeRWoCK for that idea) - maybe add modifiers to the new mode to make it that much harder.

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  • If you leveled the raids with the new content it might not take away from the new raid content if you made set bonuses that give you different perks for different situations. Ie: 3 pieces of VoG gear makes your melee have a chance to stun minitaurs. Or 3 pieces of crotas end gear reduces damage taken from hive majors. This would cause players to do all the raids to collect all the sets for different situations like strikes or other raids.

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