has any team killed atheon while the shiled remained in the past or future? leave the relic holder in the portal and defeat atheon while someone holds that portal open? does the shield disappear? is it possible a team could leave a guardian in past and future, 2 guys holding both portals open and 2 guardians deal the final blow?? is there a kill switch inside the future or the past that if all 6 guardians went in and were able to activate said switch, would bring atheon to you for a whole new battle?? what if by some crazy bit of luck the guardian holding the relic stays in . . . lets say the past, and then 3 guardians are teleported to the past again, how does that work? just spitballing here, none of this may even be relevant but i fig i would try. also i cant see where hard or normal mode would make a difference in find the chest if its there. i believe my clan and i may start testing different methods this weekend. if interested in exploring on ps4 shoot me a friend request on ps4 and lets try some stuff out. gt is the same as on here. happy hunting
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