Now before you call me a butthurt fag that doesn't have Gjallarhorn, inspect me. I don't think that it should be nerfed because it's overpowered (even though it is) I think it should be nerfed because it lessens your variety. If you were to try to do hard crota with a group, chances are if you don't have Gjallarhorn, you're getting kicked. This has been the situation multiple times. I'm tired of always having this gun in my inventory. Since the only things worth doing are the nightfall, weekly and the raid, you basically only do the nightfall and weekly without Gjallarhorn, that is if solar burn is not active, if it is, then you probably have it equipped, the same goes for no burns. I'm tired of having to have a certain gun equipped or not being able to participate. I want a variety in mine and my groups arsenal. For every person, it's always scout rifle/ hand cannon, African American hammer, and Gjallarhorn. Not only does it lessen variety, but it takes up an exotic space. I want it nerfed because I want to be able to use a different weapon without getting kicked. I'm prepared for the hate comments and the "oh ur crying noob" comments, they really don't affect me, I just wanted to state my opinion.
It doesn't matter if it's overpowered. It's a [i]rocket launcher[/i]. You hardly ever get heavy ammo in the game.