Might be. Still more interesting trying something new. Looking for new things and trying new theories.
True, it is fun to "explore the dungeon because I don't know" and have hope, that is why I thinkt VoG a far better raid than CE.
True, it is fun to "explore the dungeon because I don't know" and have hope, that is why I thinkt VoG a far better raid than CE.
True, it is fun to "explore the dungeon because I don't know" and have hope, that is why I think VoG a far better raid than CE.
True, fun to explore and have hope, that is what make VoG a far better raid than CE.
True, fun to explore and have hope, that is what make VoG a far better raid than CE.
By far.
True, fun to explore and have hope, that is what make VoG a far better raid than CE.