You forgot to link the article where the same lead artists admits he misheard the question and that there is no additional chest to be found in vog. You are wasting your time...
*cough* cover up *cough*
If he was covering up a secret treasure map worth millions then ya, he'd definitely want to back track on his quote. It's a chest in an old raid with the possibility of ascendant materials that is up for debate right now. Not exactly an Easter egg that gets someone in hot water. If you were listening to the podcast and not just taking one quote that you saw in an article you would know that he misheard probably 3-4 other questions prior to this one with all of the commotion. You're a moron, end of discussion.
Chill buddy. I was joking. I'm pretty sure there's no 6th chest but it's fun to look for
- Viola
Article doesn't say that he said there isn't another chest. It just said he misheard the question. No one from Bungie has ever said there's not another chest. It's been searched for extensively and not found, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
I'm pretty sure buzz lightyear is trapped somewhere in the nexus. They never went on record to tell me I'm an idiot so I'll just keep looking for him. To infinity and beyond!
Buzz Lightyear isn't in the game. Chests are. Solid comparison. I don't think there's another chest either, but I'm not going to act like it's a fact just because it's what I believe. No one is going to take your opinion seriously if you can't express it intelligently. So far all of your replies are unnecessarily inflammatory. It's as if you're personally insulted that people think there is another chest.
They never denied that he's there. Still looking. Gonna check where the servitors spawn
Yes, I know he said he misheard the question, but it was pretty straight forward. It could be just as easy that Bungie didn't actually want us to know 100%. Plus, he didn't say there wasn't anything else. There is still hope. If that Christmas post is true, then that might be some kind of proof.
He didn't say that the cabal would fly into the tower on giant gyrating dicks either but I don't think that will happen. You're a moron. Get over it already
I'm still laughing at the video in my head of this. complete with epic metal music
It might happen. You need hope :) I would pay to see that