Gay people can't have their own biological children within their partnership.
Yes the mother and father roles are tied into their sex. Sorry.
Edited by Demagogue: 2/18/2015 1:01:40 AMSo? No they aren't. If you want to restrict people rights because of who they are, you better bring proof.
I'm not restricting anyone's rights. I'm just expressing my opinions that are based around my faith. You are getting offended and I don't intend for you to be.
Edited by Demagogue: 2/18/2015 1:15:46 AMIf you don't allow someone to get married or raise children outside of a traditional union you are restricting their rights. Is that not what you support?
I believe that it's not right but I don't think people shouldn't be allowed to live how they choose. That's why it's great to live in America. I can have a different opinion than you and it's ok. If people really want to be gay then they will be gay. I may not agree with it but that's alright. I take advantage of this myself. I am allowed to be religious even though people tell me I'm a moron for doing so. If the op wants to get married to another man and adopt a child then he has every right to. Am I not allowed to express my opinion or encourage him to try something different?
You're totally allowed, just as I am allowed to tell you why I think your position is wrong.
Great! Glad we can agree!