I'll start XD
I have always thought i was Homosexual, Untill i saw you babe.
Edit: So many good ones! Im legit writing down almost all of them on a sheet of paper XD
Edit: Are we gonna hit (400)? :O
Edit: 500?! Jeez...
Edit: Thanks for the Necrobump i guess XD
My Favs so far:
(By NxHawkxOne), Do you work at subway? Because you're giving me a footlong ;)
(By Jaybird lll) There's bout' to be only 7planets, Cuz im bout' to destroy Uranus ;)
(By Panda) Im no weatherman, But you can expect more than a few inches tonight ;)
(By xXThatGuy1337Xx) Are you a syncplate? Cuz my spire sure is rising ;)
(By N7sentinel60) Forget about disney, I'll give you an happy ending ;)
(By Count Krieger) Hey babe, Im like a rubix cube, The more you play with me, The harder i get ;)
(By MrPlatinumOG) Hey gurl, My feelings for you are like diarrhea. I can't hold it in >:3
(By xNateDogg1216x) Hey gurl, Are you a bottle of Heinz? Cuz it seems like you've been on a lot weiners ;)
(By Anaklusmos7) Hey babe, Nice pants! What's their drop rate? ;)
Are you a dead baby? Cos I want to put my penis in you.
Hey, if I were a watermelon, would you spit out or swallow my seed?
[b] [/b]
Hey there :) I'd love to hang myself with your dirty panties so I can die inhaling the smell of your pussy!
Is it only me or is it hot in here ? You have this affect just by being near It doesn't matter if you've already gone Merely talking to you turns me on
Yo! I'd like to see someone use one of these fantabulous pickuplines, And then post what she replied. Or if she just falcon punched your nuts called you a freak and walked away.... [spoiler]#Totallynotaselfbumpindisguise[/spoiler]
Girl are you turned on? Cuz I would like to have sexual intercourse with a female right now
This is what I said. Sadly. To a girl watching at a strip club. "Do you work here, because I'm sure you'd be very popular". It's the thought that counts.
Your feet must be hurting because you've been running through my mind all day
Can you help me with the atm... Yep awesome so pull down your pants I'll start with the A and then finish in your M.
I'll get the butter...
Edited by balazra: 6/8/2015 11:42:02 AMWow you are gorgeous... If your personality is half as great as your appearance in guessing your about the nicest person in the world. Would you have a coffee with me so I can at least find out? [spoiler]at the end of the date... Well it was nice to meet you how about we just stick to casual sex... What do you say?[/spoiler]
Edited by Sleepy: 6/8/2015 11:08:58 AMAre you a washing machine?[spoiler]Because I'm going to fill you with my dirty load.[/spoiler] Is your name viagra?[spoiler]Cause you're making my dick hard...[/spoiler]
Hey bby r u an angel? Cuz I'm allergic to feathers. *swells up and dies*
Nice pants. What's their drop rate?
Roses are red Violets are blue I have a gun Get in the van
on a scale of 1 to 1776 how free are you tonight? AYYYYYYYYYYYY LMAooooooooooooooooo
BEEEOOOOOEEEEEWWWW BOOOOOOEEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOW BEEEOOOOOOEEEEOOOOOOOOOOW you hear that? It's the sound of an ambulance coming to take me away, because the sight of you stopped my heart. BEEEOOOOOOWWWW
Gurl are you a pornstar? Because you make my dick hard
Are you the internet because I think we have a connection
*Walks up to girl Me: Hey can you do me a favor? Girl: Ummm sure? *Holds out hand Me: Can you hold this for me while I go out for a walk?
Hey bby gurl are u my pinkie toe?[spoiler]cause i wanna bang you on all my furniture[/spoiler] #2: While someone else is getting her number, scream at the other guy,"ALLAH AKBAR" you must be physically weaker then the other guy. If he runs away, the girl may start laughing, so then u can bombard her with other terrible pickup lines
Are you a foster home ? Cause I want to put my kids all up in ya
The word of the day is "legs" so let go back to your place and spread the word
wanna see my MLP collection?
Are you from China? Because I'm China get into your pants