So, I would really like to know from you guys! What is your Precision Kill ratio?
To check that, go to your Grimoire, Inventory Section, Primary Weapons, then choose your main type of gun.
Please consider only your main type of primary weapon. If you constantly change it, consider that the type of gun with which you have the highest number of kills your main type of weapon.
For example: 57% of all my kills with Scout Rifles are Precision Kills. Trying to get to 60% since Day 1, because that is my usual Headshot ratio in games like this :)
Please only vote if you are at least level 20 (Reason: Example here being a Level 1 with 50 kills only needing 40 of these to be precision kills to achieve an 80% ratio)
Please don't lie or approximate your number (such as turning 60 into 61 because they are close) as well, because it will ruin the point here.
Also, if anyone wants to play with me sometime, my PSN ID is
Let's have some fun!
Extra 1: A special shout out to [b]Church of BSR[/b] in honor of his love to The Broom Sweeping Robot. May you walk in the path of the Broom, Brother!
Extra 2: Special shout out to [b]OMG ITS YURI[/b] Because somehow, this dude has [b]111%[/b] Hand Cannon [b]PRECISION KILLS.[/b]
Extra 3:Shout out to [b]Observed Trials[/b]. This guy is a Headshot War Hero. 90% Hand Cannon Precision Kills.
Un-freaking-believable! You have my respect!
Extra 4: God Holy DAMN! We just reached 500 comments! This Topic is going Crazy! I NEVER expected this to happen! Thank you so much everyone! You guys are amazing! Keep those aims on target Guardians! This is just unbelievable! :D
Extra 5: So, although I have been trying to answer each and every comment here, it has reached a point where I can't answer ALL of them. Therefore, know that I am reading each and every response from you guys (Thanks! :D) however, because my fingers are hurting quite a bit, I may not be able to answer them all ( Sorry D: )
Edit: Removed all other "X number of comments" and left only one. It's much more organized, to be honest :D
Hawkmoon - 59%
54% for both Scout Rifles and Hand Cannons, but I recently picked up Red Death for which I have 61% which is a surprise, it didn't feel as accurate as HCs and SRs, so more likely it's higher as I've yet to use it against the likes of praetorians and shanks which cant don't have critical hit spots.
To come back
Edited by Life is a Game: 2/13/2015 1:48:07 PM57% on my hand cannon kills.
Edited by SpongyMallard7: 2/13/2015 1:43:40 PMBe right back. Checking Stats. Scout Rifles are at 45% Highest for weapon is Bad Juju at 55% Thorn was at around 60-65% too much Crucible I guess.
I Have 47% on hand cannons
46% with autos :/
With the only weapon I've really tried to be a precision marksman with, MIDA Multi-Tool, it's currently sitting at 89%. I'd like to take credit for that but it's more about the weapon than it is about my skill. That thing is a tack driving beast!
My precision ratio is Broom Sweeping Robot, for he is my sword and shield.
Edited by xj3ewok: 2/13/2015 1:14:37 PMHmmm let me see... Yikes 49%
Vex 52% Bad juju 49%
Edited by R O B B O: 2/13/2015 1:19:38 PM59% with Handcannons. I now HAVE to reach 60%....
Oh wow I have horrible aim 😱
54% with Suros regime
PvP: 40-50% PvE: 110%
Scout Rifles - 62% Handcannons - 59% Pulse Rifles - 46% Auto Rifles - 32%
14,453 Scout Rifle kills. Right at 61% precision kills. Didn't even know these stats existed. Nice to know I'm a good shot. lol.
scout - 47% - 12659 kills hand cannon - 45% - 12845 kills auto - 33% - 15892 kills pulse - 39% - 3261 kills I mainly use hand cannons now followed by scout but when I started auto was what I used most ( vanqisher 8 300 or shadow price 300 before dlc )
59.5% in story, 41% in crucible, according to destinytracker
Edited by hokie23aa: 2/13/2015 12:17:20 PMScout rifles- 51%. Starting to use them more Auto rifles- 30%
Edited by Lennhart of Bant: 2/13/2015 12:10:18 PM50 percent Notbad.jpg Edit - hand cannon by the way
Edited by Seraph's Testimony: 2/13/2015 12:13:23 PM32, damn auto rifles
Auto rifles: 41% Scout rifles: 53% Pulse rifles: 42% Hand cannons: 49%
Never missed a shot in my gaming career because I'm an elitist. #Sadtire
42 with scouts, 48 with cannons
How do I check D: