Before you answer take in consideration...
1) lions are ferocious
[spoiler]like really ferocious[/spoiler]
2) a billion lions is a lot of lions
3) it is day so the sun is turned on
3.5) with a fresh lightbulb and new fuses
-kill count99
4) Sandra is not in space at the moment
5) the sun has no arms
6) the lions have a store grade sunscreen
7) the sun cannot run away but it can move 3 inches every 1000 generations of new lions that are breed after the start of said fight
8) <- that looks like a face!!!
9) <- that doesn't...
10) lions have teeth the sun does not
11) the sun is pointy
12) the sun can't use a gun
-Mi casa1
Edit for 200: Wow from what I can gather bungie really needs to nerf the sun... Like I'm surprise no one has complained yet... Well hopefully bungie will see my post and get the idea
Edit for 600: ....praise it
Edit for 1000: thank you everyone for keeping this alive, any good points that I should add comment and we will see. Now go and -blam!- right off :)
If anyone photoshops a picture of a bunch of lions with space gear floating towards the sun... I will give them a knighthood
Vote away
First posted February 17 2015
But the sun is like [spoiler]SUPA HAWT. SUPA HAWT. SUPA HAWT.[/spoiler]
We're talking sea lions right?
Reply for later m80
Bramd - old
The sun can destroy the earth before the lions plan to attack -
Yeah Sunsinger way too op, needs nerf
Obviously the lions
Togged improperly
I'd say lions. The sun became broken at about 9:00 pm.. It took about 12 hours for someone to go fix it.
6 dogs for sure
☀️ \[T]/
Praise the Sun
1 Billion Lions weigh 1.1 trillion pounds.
Sun has no fur, when winter comes the sun will freeze and die.
The sun don't give a -blam!- lol
The sun would just crush them all, duh.
I think we need to update the poll
Bramd - old
The sun can destroy the earth. Lions don't stand a chance -
The sun wins, whoever said lions (and were not not joking about it) is a -blam!-ing dumbass
1 billion lions is a lot of lions but 1 sun is not a lot.
Hey its back. I stand by my statement.
The supidity in this thread gave me autism.
I dunno, the sun is pretty big [i]but[/i] a billion lions is a lot of lions
Lions. Obviously.
Are they by any chance from Detroit? If so then the sun wins and the rest of humanity.