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Victoria Nostra

Victoria Nostra [SPQT]

"Senatus Populosque Torrus"


As a member of this clan you'll further your own and the clans chances of emerging victorious from battle with the darkness as well as meet some awesome people!

About us: We're a nice bunch of people who banded together during year 1. We used to be really prolific but are now meeting up once or twice a week (the frequency will probably increase now as D2 is out). As for languages, we primarily communicate in English but other languages work too (we've got German, Dutch, Finnish, Norwegian and Swedish). Lastly, you don't need to be a 'pro' to join us. As a novice there are plenty of people to show you the ropes or to figure out all the new stuff with.

To our victory!

PS: SPQT = Senatus Populosque Torrus, after SPQR. Now that the tower has gone 'bye-bye' we might need to rethink our motto...

  • Approval Required

    Membership requires approval.
  • 16 Members

  • Created January 13, 2015

Season Progression

Clans unlock characters perks and rewards by leveling up their clan. The more active the clan, the higher the clan level.

Clan Level


3250 Clan Contribution this Week

Members (16 / 100)




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