Hip Shot Heroes [HsH]
"Look Ma, no scope!"
Named after our resident Hip Shot Hero, our clan aims to harvest and reap the rewards of precision kills in the name of the Traveler and all the achievements that may bring. Casual, mature, and easy going the Hip Shot Heroes are here to provide a friendly, non-judgmental relaxing atmosphere for otherwise busy fans of Destiny on the Playstation Platform.
Fire Teams are typically assembled every Saturday @ 5pm GMT (11pm Mountain, 1am Eastern), casual fire teams meet up as available. PvP is optional, and if interested we have a small group working to make their mark in the Crucible.
If you wish to join, send a message stating your Name, Age, Time Zone, two clan references, and typical play times. Minimum Level 18 Character requirement. Voice chat required for strikes/raids only.
Open Membership
4 Members
Created September 02, 2014