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The Cursed Mercenaries

The Cursed Mercenaries [TCM]

"Long live war, Long live death, Long live The Cursed Mercenaries"

this clan is for brony's, furrys, and anyone who wish to join. here are the rules. #1 always be nice to each other #2 we don't like people who mess around. #3 you need to be active i do not want inactive clan members (the amount of days of inactivity will result in a kick is a week or seven days unless your under certain circumstances like collage work so on) #4 any hateful words towards bronys or furrys will result in a instant exile. #5 have fun and enjoy each others company #6 you need to be a clanmate at all times... if you do not support The Cursed Mercenaries then you will not acquire future promotions. #7 If you have any problems then talk to cE Cloudchaser during monday through thursday. And #9 NO one is to make any changes to the clans unless but CrimsonMSGaming and BR Cloudchaser.

  • Invite Only

    This clan is invite only.
  • 5 Members

  • Created June 21, 2015

Season Progression

Clans unlock characters perks and rewards by leveling up their clan. The more active the clan, the higher the clan level.

Clan Level


500 Clan Contribution this Week

Members (5 / 100)




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